
All of SAReforest’s reforest sites and projects are within properties which are protected and aimed at nature conservation and rehabilitation. Reforestation takes place in previously disturbed areas which are in dire need of active restoration.

Total Trees Planted


Bodhi Khaya Forest

Walker Bay Protected Environment  – Uilkraal Valley- Overstrand – Overberg

Bodhi Khaya Forest, in the middle of the Walkerbay Protected Environment, is a mosaic of indigenous forest relics rolling through a valley covered with different vegetation types. Rolling through a valley with a fully intact eco-system, the Bodhi Khaya Forest site bridges Afromontane type forest to the Platbos type forest lower down. Walking through it, you can taste the different forest flavours. Having recently added a vast amount of land that needs to be rehabilitated (Blomerus, where most of the SAReforest trees will be planted), Bodhi Khaya is now expanding both her alien clearing program as well as her reforestation program: bringing back context, integrity and connection from one ancient relic to another.

Bodhi Khaya is otherwise a place to visit. This is a Nature Welness Destination in a rewilding sanctuary equally sharing care for oneself and for nature. Bodhi Khaya is a peaceful haven nestled at the foot of the Witkransberg, in the beautiful Overberg region. This is your safe space to connect with nature, find deep rest and renewal, experience inner transformation and awaken to the wisdom of your heart.

Cederberg Conservancy – Sustainable Ceder

Greater Cederberg Biodiversity Corridor

The Cederberg Conservancy takes pride in being the custodian of the Clanwilliam Cedar tree (Widdringtonia cedarbergensis).

Due to exploitative harvesting and too frequent fires, the -once large and prosperous- population of Clanwilliam Cedar, is now at risk of becoming extinct in the wild.

In order to turn the tide, Sustainable Ceder aims to develop a self-sustainable population of this critically endangered tree, within protected areas in its natural range of 35’000 hectares in the Cederberg Mountain region by :

  • Establishment and management of a main nursery, and satellite nurseries.
  • Strategic planting of young saplings in ideal locations within its natural range.
  • Field monitoring of saplings to assess the success of the methods employed.
  • Providing volunteering opportunities to support various projects and activities.
  • Awareness initiatives to enhance knowledge about the Clanwilliam cedar.
  • Collaboration with other organizations and role-players to execute various projects.

Sustainable Ceder is comprised of dedicated individuals residing and working in the heart of the
Cederberg, and strives to preserve the region’s natural habitats and species while uplifting the
communities in the region.

Sustainable Ceder collaborates closely with the Cederberg Conservancy and CapeNature.

Ferncliffe forest wilding

Town Bush Valley – Pietermaritzburg – KwaZulu-Natal

Ferncliffe is a remnant of endangered eastern mistbelt forest that clings to a ridge above the city of Pietermaritzburg, in the middle of a biodiversity hotspot with the highest tree diversity of any temperate forest in the world. It still has large mammals, and diverse forms of life, from bats and bushpigs to millipedes. It is a place of high endemism and rich biodiversity; its habitat and life forms score top of the class in the “irreplaceable” category.

Once 2,000 ha of woodland covered these slopes, but its timber was heavily harvested in the past, to the point that species like Podocarpus are now sparsely represented and just 250ha of forest remains. And now invasive plants are threatening what’s left.

Ferncliffe forest wilding is a non-profit organisation devoted to the restoration and rewilding of this forest ecosystem. Its initial restoration pilot sites, about 5.5 ha in size, are in an area due to be gazetted as part of a wider Protected Environment.

The NPO does plant larger trees and protects them with tree guards so that they survive in large numbers.

Gerswolde in Farm 215 Private Nature Reserve

Walker Bay Protected Environment – Baardskeerdersbos – Overstrand – Overberg

Farm 215 – private nature reserve, is a protected area under Stewardship of Cape Nature and the first pilot reforestation site of SAReforest. The reforest site is part of a large conservation-servitude in favour of Flora and Fauna International and, one of the properties of the Walkerbay Fynbos Conservancy and, since 2022 part of the Walkerbay Protected Environment. The 800 hectares of this reserve is covered with different fynbos vegetation types, riparian areas and indigenous afromontane forest remnants.
The reforestation site is an area along a stream which was previously used for agriculture and subsequently infested with alien invasive vegetation. The invasive vegetation has been removed and reforestation pilots were done in 2007-2010. On the basis of the success of these pilots, 10’000 trees were planted out in 2011, followed each year by allocations of a few thousand trees. Since the new forest started producing a lot of seed, an area of 5 hectares as been set aside as an experimental “passive reforestation ” site in 2022.
Far removed from the daily grind of life, farm 215 is a private, intimate and secluded retreat where you can enjoy spacious accommodation, tranquility, an overpowering sense of space and the unique nature of the Cape Floral Kingdom.

Grootvadersbosch Conservancy

Langeberg Mountains – near Swellendam

The Grootvadersbosch Conservancy was registered in 1992 as the first Conservancy in the Western Cape. The Grootvadersbosch Conservancy represents 16 private landowners who are committed to protecting the natural environment. The natural vegetation includes indigenous forest, mountain fynbos, renosterveld and lowland fynbos.
Grootvadersbosch Conservancy has implemented a “working-for-water” project, employing 132 previously un-employed people in clearing and restoration work, including the development of an indigenous tree nursery. Since 2014, 960ha has been cleared from alien invasive trees. The reforestation site was previously densely invaded by invasive vegetation and is surrounded by indigenous forest. The site has been partly cleared to support reforestation. The Conservancy is piloting a new approach to rehabilitation and reforestation by using the pioneer properties of black wattle and bugweed to provide shade for the young indigenous trees. As the indigenous trees become more dominate, the invasive trees are gradually removed.
Grootvadersbosch Conservancy is developing 140 km of linked mountain bike and hiking trails across the region from Heidelberg and Suurbraak and there are several self-catering and guesthouse options in the Conservancy.

Klein River Cheese Farm

Kelin River Valley, near Stanford – Overstrand

This is actual two sites on opposite ends of the planned reforestation area along the Klein River. The one site hugs a wide part of the Klein River, dotted with little islands. It was heavily infested with invasive alien vegetation, which has now all been cleared. Sporadic regrowth of indigenous vegetation indicates the previous presence of woodland.

Further to the East along the Klein River, is a forest remnant with South Africa’s southernmost naturally occurring Yellowwoods, which is in the process of being rehabilitated and expanded. In the end of the day, integrity of the whole of the river and the riparian area will be restored, creating a bulwark against erosion and a corridor for wildlife.

A chunk of pasture has been sacrificed and that area will be integrated in the new forest. The site has been fenced in to protect it against grazing cattle.

The whole of the rehabilitation site includes a dryer area, higher on the hill, covered with remnants of critically endangered Elim ferricrete fynbos, which will also be rehabilitated. This type of fynbos occurs on land very suitable for agriculture and has mostly been ploughed up. Little of it is left and most of the species of this type of fynbos are listed as endangered on the IUCN red list.

Platbos Forest – Private Nature Reserve

Walker Bay Conservancy – Uilkraal Valley – Overstrand – Overberg

“Platbos”, Afrikaans for ‘flat forest’, is the Southernmost forest of the African continent.
Platbos is a relic forest and bit of a botanical mystery. Contrary to other relic forests in the Cape of South Africa, It occurs in deep sandy, alkaline soil on north-facing, gently undulating and dry terrain.
There are many age-old trees in Platbos with some over 1000 years of age. Draped in “old man´s beard”, the trees have gnarled, twisted trunks and branches, folded and creased like the wrinkled limbs of elephants. The pure forest air nurtures a myriad of lichens that mottle the tree bark in patterns of orange, pink and white. During the wet, winter months, the mosses and epiphytic ferns that make their home on the trees come to life in brilliant shades of green.
Reforestation occurs along the edges of the present forest and will spill over in the area bridging the core of Platbos Forest to the remnants at Bodhi Khaya. This area, “Blomerus” is where the focus of the reforestation efforts are taking place at the moment.

Platbos Forest is protected and a declared Private Nature Reserve.
Platbos Forest is open to the public for day-walks and trails and there are several accommodation options available on a self-catering basis.

Klein River Valley, near Stanford – Overstrand

Several trees have been planted here under the SAReforest program. The reforestation process is still in process but at the moment not supported by outside donations. This is  reforestation site is 14 hectares of alien forest with predominantly Black Wattle as well as some Blue Gum and Port Jackson. The forest hugs a small river which is fed by the mountains and runs through the property.